Commenting on today's decision by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), under the leadership of former Verizon lawyer and radical free-market libertarian Chairman Ajit Pai, to eliminate the rules keeping the big corporations that own the Internet infrastructure, or "pipes," from turning this essential service and tool for global progress and empowerment into a cable-company-like morass of bad customer service, constantly escalating prices, and limited choices, Montana Congressional candidate in 2018 and former executive director of the Five Valleys Land Trust Grant Kier told Etopia News:
FCC’s decision to repeal the Net Neutrality regulations is a loss for Montana
consumers and small businesses. These rules ensured that big corporations
couldn’t choose winners and losers in the online world, but the FCC has picked
big corporations over the millions of Americans who oppose this rule.
Montanans need a Congress that will push back against these disastrous roll
backs, and instead, look at how we can improve access to the internet in rural