Thursday, September 1, 2016

Younger people and Democrats most active in online voter registration in Los Angeles County

According to statistics released today by the office of Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean Logan, it’s younger citizens and Democrats who have been most active in utilizing the State of California’s online voter registration system to sign up for the right to participate in public elections as voters in Los Angeles County.

NPP = no party preference

Within every party, more people registered online than offline.

Whether online or offline, the data show Democrats first, NPP second, Republicans third.

Online/Offline registration ratios change towards more offline the higher the age.

Here are the figures, as provided by the registrar of voters’ office:

Since January 1, 2016
Total Registrations: 874,283
Total On-line Registrations: 544,404
Hard Copy Registrations:  328,879

By Party:
1   AI  13823
2  DEM 322067
3  GRN   3440
4  LIB   4494
5  NPP 129037
6   PF   1930
7  REP  67118

1   AI   6305
2  DEM 186288
3  GRN   1014
4  LIB   1784
5  NPP  85836
6   PF   1501
7  REP  38931

By Age Bracket:
1 18-29 252807
2 30-39 127748
3 40-49  66893
4 50-59  48594
5 60-69  30426
6   70+  16172
7 blank   1764

1 18-29 129759
2 30-39  58585
3 40-49  42148
4 50-59  42436
5 60-69  31159
6   70+  23553
7 blank   1923

These data cry out for infographics to illustrate and illuminate them.  Who knows how to transform these numbers into images that convey their meaning more clearly?  If you can and want to do that, please contact Etopia News via its Facebook page, at:

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